Book Release and its Aftermath…

ID-10056440Now that your book has been launched, what next? Well, on to your next book, right? Well, yes and no! Soon after The Indian Tycoon’s Marriage Deal was released in September, I found I had morphed from author to a mouthpiece for my book. Suddenly, I was interacting with reviewers/bloggers who could get the word out about my book, doing interviews with the media and answering a ton of questions about characters, their histories, my inspiration, so on and so forth. And of course, I was delighted that someone other than myself was interested in my baby…ahem!…book. So it turned into a new adventure. Emailing, blogging, tweeting and facebooking till I went blue in the face. Oh, and yes, there’s Goodreads… the one social marketing site that is an author’s best friend. Surely some of those who “want to read” my book will actually buy it and do so! Well, so you hope! Adite- Orange Cover - smallAnd just when you think you’re done with all the self-promotion disguised as book promotion πŸ˜‰ you just launch right back into it with another set of book bloggers/reviewers/media persons. Promote. Pause for a Breather. Promote. Repeat. And life takes a backseat. So does the new idea for a brand new book that you had. It begins to get dimmer until it fades away. Unless… you get your act together. Set a timetable for your activities; draw up a daily calendar and chart out a daily timeline, so to speak, for your new idea development, book promotion activities and all the other must-do’s in your life. It’s a balancing act…but one that needs to be done if you have to stay grounded, get on to your next project and have a life outside of writing/promoting. Well, is that even possible?

OctSidebarSo, what’s your take on the whole shebang of book promotion? Do share your views and while you’re at it, please be aware that this blog is part of a blog hop that aims to prop up some authors and their book-babies. So do check out the linky below and participate in the giveaways! Included in the swag pack is one e-copy of my book ‘The Indian Tycoon’s Marriage Deal.’

Update: The Blog Hop has ended and the winner of the Swag Pack is Anne K who receives an e-copy of my book. Congrats, Anne. Hope you enjoy the book!

About Adite

Author & Screenwriter
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8 Responses to Book Release and its Aftermath…

  1. Debbie Lemon says:

    Thank you for the chance to win.


  2. Thanks for stopping by, Debbie! πŸ™‚


  3. A.H. says:

    Good luck for your book. Hope to read it sometime!


  4. Lyndi Lamont says:

    Promotion is so time consuming, but in today’s market, it’s necessary. Congratulations on your first release.


  5. I would like to thank you for the efforts you’ve put in writing this blog.
    I really hope to check out the same high-grade content from
    you in the future as well. In fact, your creative writing abilities has inspired me to get my own, personal site now πŸ˜‰


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